Building and Zoning
All building permits within the Kanarraville town limits go through the Iron County Building Department after receiving approval from Planning & Zoning and the Kanarraville Town Board.
For questions regarding building and zoning, town ordinances, or to be placed on the Planning & Zoning or Town Board Agendas, please contact Heidi Loveland, Town Clerk at 435-867-1852.

Garbage Disposal
Kanarraville contracts with Enoch City for garbage collection. Garbage pickup is every Thursday, except for Thanksgiving week, in which case garbage will generally be the Wednesday before unless otherwise posted. To prevent damage to the street, please place garbage can on the pavement so the truck is back away from the edge when they make the pickup. If your garbage can is not there when the truck comes, your garbage will not be picked up until the next week. Enoch City WILL NOT make a special trip unless they have missed the whole street. If you notice the garbage pickup was missed on your street, please call Heidi Loveland, Town Clerk at 435-867-1852.
To request another garbage can or if your garbage can needs replacing or repair, call Patti Morris the Water Department Secretary at 435-867-1852.

Tree Program
This program addresses the management of trees within the town’s easements and right-of-ways. The goal is to establish guidelines for tree maintenance flexibility for property owners. All trees within the town’s easements and right of ways may be removed for any reason deemed necessary. However, property owners may assume responsibility for said trees and accept all obligations to maintain and control the trees bordering their property. This responsibility does not confer ownership of said trees, rather it grants the right to maintain them. Liability rests with the property owner, but the Town has the authority to remove the trees at any time. To learn more about this program, or to receive a copy of the Release of Liability, please contact Heidi Loveland at 435-867-1852 or [email protected].
Post Office
The Kanarraville Post Office is located at 50 E Center and is open from 10 am-12 pm. This Post Office location is for mail and package drop off and pick-up only. Pre-paid postage that is already attached to your package, may be dropped off at this location. No stamps are for sale. If you need your package weighed, the closest Post Office locations for this service are New Harmony and Cedar City. For questions about packages mailed to the Kanarraville Post Office, please call 435-586-6701 or 1-800-ASK-USPS.
To obtain a septic permit, or to find out where a septic tank is located, please contact the Southwest Utah Public Health Department in Cedar City.
Transfer Station
The Transfer Station is located south of town on Spring Creek Road and is a privilege reserved for residents who currently reside within the town limits and/or those who receive a monthly water bill from Kanarraville Town.
Hours of Operation:
Monday 9 am-1 pm
Tuesday 1 pm-5 pm
Friday 1 pm-5 pm
Saturday 9 am-1 pm
Summer the transfer station is open Saturdays from 9 am – 5 pm.
Rules and Regulations
The following materials can be dumped in the Transfer Station: household waste, paper, cans, clothing, newspaper, and yard waste.
The following materials cannot be dumped at the Transfer Station: tires, liquids of any kind, motor oil, transmission fluid, air conditioners, refrigerators, or anything containing freon or mercury, batteries, business or construction waste of any kind, processed lumber, pallets, dead animals or crates. The Transfer Station also does not accept any kind of hazardous waste such as paint or paint thinners, bleach, cleaners or household sprays, alcohols, ammunition or gun powder, fragrances or fuels of any kind.
Removing Trash or Wood from Transfer Station
No one will be allowed to sort through or remove any garbage, wood, or refuse dumped in the trash and metal bins or Burn Pile for liability reasons.
Burn Pile
The burn pile is for tree/bush limbs or logs only. Do not dump leaves or lawn clippings in the burn pile. This wood is considered refuse – not fire wood and will be burned once a year by the Fire Department.
All violations are subject to Iron County Code.
Residents get their water from Kanarraville Town. Water is not sold outside the town limits. The Water Office is located in Kanarraville Town Hall, 40 South Main. Hours are Monday-Friday 10 am-12 pm and the phone number is 435-867-1852.
All water payments must be made by cash or check. The Town of Kanarraville is not set-up to accept electronic payments at this time. Water bills can be paid at the drop box located at the Fire Station or Town Hall, or can be mailed to HC 65 Box 118, Kanarraville, UT 84742.
To have your water meter tested or to report a problem, please call Patti Morris, the Water Secretary at 435-867-1852.
The town portable water meter is only available to contractors working on properties within the town limits. To check out the portable water meter, please call Patti Morris, the Water Secretary at 435-867-1852.
Jay Rhodes 435-867-1852
Water Master:
John Batty 435-590-1940
[email protected]
Water Secretary and Town Treasurer:
Patti Morris 435-867-1852
[email protected]
The base rate for 17,000 gallons of water or less will be $32. There is a $10 late fee if the bill is received after the 10th of every month. In addition, any outstanding remaining balance will be charged 2%.
Overage rate tiers (cost per 1,000 gallons):
$2.50 17,001 to 25,999
$3.00 26,000 to 34,999
$3.50 35,000 to 43,999
$4.00 44,000 to 52,999
$4.50 53,000 to 9,999,999
Impact: $3,500
Water Connection: $2,500
Water Deposit (Refundable When Account is Closed): $500
Water Re-Connection: $250
Garbage: $10.50 Monthly (Per Can)
Landfill: $3.75 Monthly (Per Can)
Transfer Station: $2.00 Monthly
Administration: $.25 (Per Can)
Garbage Can (One-Time Rental): $95 (Per Can)
Water Turn Off: $25
Obstruction of Meter: $50
Test Water Meter: $25
Refrigerator Dumping Fee $40
To discard regrigerator – fee must be paid to Patti Morris at the Town Hall, 40 South Main, M-F 10 am – 12 pm. Take receipt with you to the Transfer Station when discarding the refrigerator.
Kanarra Creek Irrigation Company
David Ence, Secretary 435-586-9169 , [email protected]